Embrace the Past

Dress for the future

Discover timeless fashion with a modern twist at our Saint John vintage clothing store. Embrace eco-friendly style and relive the charm of the past in every curated piece.

Vintage Clothing

Vintage ClothinG + Consignment Services

Welcome to our vintage clothing and consignment store, where every garment whispers a unique story from the past. Located on Rothesay Avenue in Saint John, our curated collection boasts an array of styles from various decades, offering an authentic glimpse into fashion's rich history. From twenties' flapper dresses to the bold patterns of the 1970s, every garment has been carefully handpicked to ensure a diverse selection that caters to individual tastes and preferences.

Additionally, we proudly offer consignment services dedicated exclusively to vintage pieces that are 20 years old or older. For those looking to consign their vintage pieces, Park Plaza Vintage provides a physica (and virtual) platform to share these treasures with vintage fashion enthusiasts in Saint John and North America.

Beyond being a vintage clothing destination, our store serves as a thriving community hub. At Park Plaza Vintage, we host regular clothing swaps where customers can exchange their pre-loved garments with other like-minded individuals who appreciate the art of sustainable fashion. Alongside the allure of vintage fashion, we inspire creativity and innovation through upcycling. Our store showcases upcycled pieces, offering ideas and inspiration for those keen on transforming vintage items into contemporary treasures.

To stay up-to-date with all things happening at our store, be sure to follow our blog. You'll be the first to know about new drops, exclusive events, and exciting updates within our vintage fashion community.



park plaza vintage